A smoke alarm speaks!

By Anonymous - 11/01/2024 06:00 - United States - Oak Park

Today, I’m so over my boyfriend smoking too many cigarettes, and I hate cigarettes. The smell is just disgusting and plus it makes my nose stuffy. And he gets ashes everywhere. Plus he always leaves his room a mess. Other than him being financially stable and fun, he's such a slob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 155
You deserved it 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just cut your losses. he's not gonna quit smoking. so he's fun and has $$ yet you did not mention how much you care about him.

you knew he was a smoker when you started dating him. now you get to decide if the $ is worth it


It's unlikely that you will get BF to give up smoking - It's an addiction and one particularly difficult to quit for many people... OP, you are going to have to decide if, taken as he is, is BF is worth it. I had a grandmother who got Emphysema from second hand smoke from her husband... I strongly urge you In the future to avoid smokers.

just cut your losses. he's not gonna quit smoking. so he's fun and has $$ yet you did not mention how much you care about him.

009bouris 5

smoking can easily make a 10 a 2

you knew he was a smoker when you started dating him. now you get to decide if the $ is worth it

DirtySalamander 9

yea she knew but she didn't now how much of a smoker he was. it's in the context clues.

If you are prepared to give him an ultimatum over it, do so. And stick to it. And be prepared for him to pick the smokes.

JFC, break up with him! He won't change.

you knew what you were getting into when you two started dating. you knew he was a smoker! stop trying to change him, and jist go find a non-smoker if that's what you want

jdrhbf 3

sounds like a typical female always going for crappy guys just because they have money while ignoring the actual nice guys who care for them

Andrea Remer 8

if he was a smoker before y'all got together then it's only fair that you deal with that. you could always ask for a designated smoking spot. but the slob part could be fixed or made easier if he values the relationship enough!