Gold digger

By itswhateverr - 03/05/2009 04:16 - United States

Today, my 6 year-old granddaughter was sitting on my lap, playing with the rings on my fingers. After a moment, she pointed to a gold ring with many jewels and said, "When you die, can I have that one?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 783
You deserved it 4 465

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sometimes say things like that to my mom but i'm old enough that she knows i'm not entirely serious.. you should give it to her when you die and it'll mean the world to her and she'll remember how she wanted it since she was a little girl

Hahaha that is just too funny. Don't take it too hard, little girls love shiny sparkly things.


lol that's a pretty good understanding #20

Just be the cool grandmother and give it to her now. You will see the precious smile on her face and it will be worth it :)

ssnickel 0

If she's only 6, she probably doesn't even understand death, so I doubt she meant anything by it... other than she liked your ring. But yeah, I agree with #15... you're a grandma and using FML? That's awesome!

I bet the kid has innocently heard other rels staking out your jewelry!! Gramma can you make a noise like a frog? Why do you ask Britney? Cos momma says when you croak we're going to Disneyland! Yes to #9 - and doesn't it make fml boring for dedicated readers?

whoa, grandma must be loaded! "a gold ring with many jewels"? i'd want that too :] you should have pointed to her outfit or something and said "when you die of swine flu, can i have YOUR stuff?"

You better watch out so she doesn't kill just for the ring

Dude, don't be too down about it. My cousins and siblings and I say that all the time to my grandparents because they know we love them, and wouldn't say things like that to people we didn't love. Plus, it also means that we want reminders of them when they pass. It's no big deal, I actually think it's really funny. Especially when we all stake claim to her 15 cats, ahahaha. I love having a cat-woman for a grandma!

andy_fml_fml 0

at least she didnt ask for it before you die! :) and she relived your stress of not knowing who to give it to. :) haha. she must be a cutie pie!

hootersgirl09 0

Awesome a grandma is on FML!!

bandgeek24601 0

When I was 6, my grandma (who was in perfect health at the time and still is) opened up her jewlery box and asked me to pick out all the peices I wanted for after she passed away. I believe that was more traumatic than what your granddaughter did.