Front line workers

By Anonymous - 05/12/2015 03:43 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my partner and I got called out to a domestic disturbance. Things turned ugly while we were en-route. Long story short, I now know how many grown men it takes to lift a nearly 400lb shit-covered woman onto a stretcher. I almost reconsidered my choice of career. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 908
You deserved it 1 755

Same thing different taste

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I would have said it could've been worse... but really, I got nothing.

I'm kinda curious as to how something like that happens. We need a follow up!


RockstarJAy 16
MsMurphy8613 12

I'm not the OP but having had a similar situation (400+ lb patient covered in feces who couldn't get off the floor) it takes 3 firefighters, an EMT and a paramedic.

Soo young adult on the naive side here...why are people asking "how many"?

The OP said "I now know how many grown men it takes to lift..." so I think they're asking how many grown men it took to lift her.

"great Scott, this is heavy" ~stuart little

mds9986 24

Hey op, don't stop helping people just because 1 lady can't take care of herself. You're doing good work and shouldn't let one bad experience stop it.

What makes you think she can't take care of herself? Domestic disturbance and her having to be put on a stretcher makes me think she was abused somehow- probably injured, perhaps covered in shit by her abuser. How dare you judge her like that without the full story?

mds9986 24

You don't have the full story either. You can't blame other people on being 400lbs.

Weight isn't the fault of people, it's the fault of genetics and in some cases medical conditions.

You don't have the full story either. She could very well fit the stereotype of lazy, apathetic blob who likes sweet and fried things a little too much for all you know.

mds9986 24

No 58, genetics doesn't dictate what you put in your mouth and eat.

Or she might not fit that stereotype, you don't know, so you ought to withhold judgment until you know. That said, there are plenty of skinny people who eat whatever the **** and because of genetics just don't happen to gain weight. Where's the judgment for that? Besides, I don't see why eating oneself fat is something we should judge people for. Why should we prioritize conforming to societies beauty standards over the enjoyment of food? It's not like there's anything ethically wrong with not fitting arbitrary beauty standards. But honestly, I doubt if it's even possible to get to 400lbs without some genetic or medical component, speaking as a 130lb person who doesn't do anything for the sake of exercising and eats as much as I want whenever I want. Are you judging me for my lifestyle now? Probably not because I'm thin. So why should someone who behaves the same way but gets a different outcome due to chance get more judgement for it? Why should people have added responsibilities foisted on them just because of something genetics did to them by chance? For some people appearance just isn't a priority and I don't see why we should judge them for it. I see a hell of a lot more wrong with people who do prioritize appearance honestly.

mds9986 24

It has nothing to do with beauty standards. Preventable diseases cost more money in the healthcare system more than almost anything else. Thus, if you are eating yourself into an early grave(even if you're skinny) then yes you are just as bad.

mds9986 24

The money that could go toward funding cancer research is going toward people who can't take care of themselves. Guess who paid for multiple Paramedics to come and bring that 400lb person to the hospital? Yup, I did, right out of my taxes.

I hear these stories all the time; my husband works for Boston EMS. People can be so ridiculous.

Fml for the 400 lb shit covered woman as well. I would say more so because somehow she got to that point and I'm sure it wasn't fun.

I worked in an ER for many years and was on the receiving end of those messes. Yeah, I would be the nurse who cleaned that up.

We get the same calls. Know how you feel OP, stay safe

Way to make yourself the victim... Don't you think the whole experience was a lot worse for the woman?