Stinking the place out to own the libs

By Sigh - 18/01/2023 18:00

Today, my 30 year-old daughter was fired from her job for bad hygiene, despite getting multiple warnings and write ups. She says she’s not showering to save money, and this “inflation shit is out of control.” According to her, me and the “Demoncrats voted for it” and made it this way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 145
You deserved it 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like two things: a mental health issue, and her fml.

no offense but your daughter sounds like a moron


Sounds like two things: a mental health issue, and her fml.

no offense but your daughter sounds like a moron

tell her that hippie shit ended 60 years ago. also might wanna get her an iq test.

Don't let her move in with you. That will just prompt her to continue her stinky lifestyle and not even attempt to find another job. If anyone would even hire her anyway if her hygiene is that bad.