Friendly fire

By Davios - 24/09/2009 04:34 - United States

Today, I moved in with an older gentleman renting out a room. Tonight, he had a domestic dispute with his girlfriend, who threw a lawn chair at my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 134
You deserved it 2 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does your cat make TOO MUCH NOISE?!?!?! Try KITTEN MITTENS :D That is honestly the ONLY thing I think of every time I see something about Pennsylvania


To sue someone you need to prove that they've completely ruined a part of your life. So in essence, did the lawn chair cause your car to break down, which then caused you to be late for work and miss wages for weeks, which after a certain amount of time you were fired because you were consistently late due to having no car thus having no income? Or, did the said lawn chair's dent to the car cause you such emotional stress that you couldn't function? Chances are if the lawn chair hit the car hard enough to cause it not to work, that lady would have noticed when she threw it and probably wouldn't argue the fact that she'd have to pay the damages.

Moving in should usually be a fun experience. By the sounds of it you didn't have a fun experience.

Can't really blame the g/f, since you 'moved in' with the 'gentleman', aka her b/f... Now the 3 of you can have make-up sex!!!

Yes, you could. I don't care if someone cheats, you don't damage their property. Especially if it's not the person in the relationship.

>> To sue someone you need to prove that they've completely ruined a part of your life

Gonna try this again, as FML is F'g w/ me... >.> To sue someone you need to prove that they've completely ruined a part of your life

Instead of just causing property damage?

trakus 0

LOL, civil suite!! Sue da bitch.

Tonight is future tense. And when this does happen later today, I suggest that you be there to look at the damages, and using his words as testimonial, get compensation for said damages. Not that difficult really.

Am I the only one weirded out by the throwing of a lawn chair? I seriously thought they only did that on Flavor of Love. Andd: You should have went after her with the garden hose. Or an axe. Whicheverr.

digitaljunky 5