Forever alone, episode 7864

By Anonymous - 01/04/2020 23:00

Today, I lied at a store when the checkout person told me the cologne I was buying was for men. I told him it was for my boyfriend. I haven't had a boyfriend in 2 years, I just wanted it to smell like one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 411
You deserved it 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's nothing wrong with that. Aromas are very good at recalling certain memories. :-)

I'm more annoyed when cashiers make a comment on everything I buy. Yes, I'm buying potato chips. Yes, that is the new Disney DVD. Hooray, I did find toilet paper to buy, lucky me. Just scan my stuff and let me leave.


I'm sure the checkout guy really gave a shit and was very impressed that you had a boyfriend. Maybe he'll tell all his friends and they'll start asking you out, because a girl with a boyfriend is infinitely hotter than one without. Now you have a dilemma: are you going to cheat on your imaginary boyfriend? After all he has done for you? Before him, you were a loser and now he's made you the popular girl! I hope your little game was worth it.

Someone sounds a little bitter. Must not have worked for you when you tried it, huh?

There's nothing wrong with that. Aromas are very good at recalling certain memories. :-)

I tend to wear men's perfume too, people usually like it ;)

That doesn't sound like essential shopping... ;)

I'm more annoyed when cashiers make a comment on everything I buy. Yes, I'm buying potato chips. Yes, that is the new Disney DVD. Hooray, I did find toilet paper to buy, lucky me. Just scan my stuff and let me leave.