By so_this_is_me - 13/08/2015 17:12 - Canada - Brampton

Today, my love life is so pathetic that when I got a sample of cologne in the mail, I kept sniffing it just to remind myself what a guy smells like. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 848
You deserved it 3 544

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Smell random strangers on the bus/subway and when they ask what you're doing stare them straight in the eyes and take the biggest breath possible without breaking eye contact and slowly back away while whispering, "you smell different when you're awake..."

SauceySarah 30

I don't blame you. Guy's cologne smells absolutely incredible if it's the good kind.


You could always just sniff guys when they walk by and act like it never happened

krazayman 18

i dont know about you guys but that would be really creepy. you wont make guy friends doing that

Plenty of the fish in the sea OP, you'll find someone :)

SauceySarah 30

I don't blame you. Guy's cologne smells absolutely incredible if it's the good kind.

Mossyoak_kw 28

Agreed! I would sit and smell that cologne sample for as long as possible and feel no shame.

I love the smell of cologne. I've complimented several random men on how great they smell. They usually wind up giving me their number, which I find creepy. Even though I'm the creepy one for sniffing them.

Smell random strangers on the bus/subway and when they ask what you're doing stare them straight in the eyes and take the biggest breath possible without breaking eye contact and slowly back away while whispering, "you smell different when you're awake..."

expertsmilee 26

Watchin' out for you in public...

TheBlazinAsian 9
Swandive235 27

I shit you not, i dared one of my friends to do that. And the women he was starring at hit him with her purse.

Don't worry, the perfect guy will come by soon. Don't worry. You will find someone just keep looking. :)

People tell me that when I look for jobs and fail the interview, not for boyfriends xD

You'll get someone eventually you just gotta believe

AkBunny907 18

I can totally relate to this, but don't worry OP! It'll get better:)

I don't blame you. A good cologne can be so pleasing to sniff