By badboyfriend101 - 12/05/2009 15:22 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was continuously telling me how great my best friend smelled the other night and how I should wear some perfume that smelled like that. I have the same exact perfume and have been wearing it for months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 943
You deserved it 4 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pancakelover 0

Perfume can smell different on different people... Don't worry, unless he starts flirting with your friend or trying to hook up with her.

maybe he though she smelled sexy because she smelled like you.


pancakelover 0

Perfume can smell different on different people... Don't worry, unless he starts flirting with your friend or trying to hook up with her.

Averizzle 0

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midorihoneybucke 0

fml, i had to read this piece of crap

Ones like these make the case for a "not an FML" button.

oohbeads 0

It could have to do with the way that your body's smell reacts to the perfume... Maybe he likes the way her body's smell reacts to the perfume better.

maybe he though she smelled sexy because she smelled like you.

Yeah, it should be fine, like #1 said. Just maybe keep an eye on him; if he starts HITTING ON your best friend, then come back and post another FML. :D

Is it D&G light blue? that shit smells so gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!

chasing_adalia 0

Then I recommend telling him, "Oh sweetie, that sounds FABULOUS. I'll wear it if you go pick me up a bottle..." Next bottle of perfume that you know you love is on him! Haha.

Why is your boyfriend smelling other girls? Especially your best friend.

No, why is he smelling someone at all. I mean if you smell is strong and you notice it, that's fine... But just smelling someone is kinda weird

Maybe you aren't putting on enough and/or not in the right places. There are some girls who know how to make perfume stay on them all day. Then there are some who put it on and it disappears.

Loe_307 0

Could also be the amount you wear but probably like others have said, the reaction. Of course if you don't take a shower and toss on some perfume, that's not gonna work out too well. :P