
By Anonymous - 18/11/2009 03:43 - United States

Today, me, a coworker, and my manager were looking at random advertisements. One ad was a picture of three fish. My coworker named them what I thought were completely random names. I said, "Those are stupid names." Turns out those are my manager's kids' names. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 591
You deserved it 32 358

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crzyry 6

Ydi for being a dumbass. "Fish" is a singular and plural word.


ydi i wouldn't expect someone who works in the business industry and uses the word "fishes" to know the names of their bosses children.....

fishes is also acceptable. but of all the mistakes to point out, you pick that one. the same one that several other people pointed out. the same one that people keep telling is not really a mistake. you could have picked: 1) me, a coworker, and my manager 2) I said "those are stupid names." 3) kid's

ps boss's, not bosses. but then, i wouldnt expect someone who insults someone for a mistake they didnt make to know that.

The fact that the co-worker named the three fishes after the manager's kids shows that the co-worker was kissing ass big time, being a big-time asskisser!!! lol lol lol :))

yu shud hav been like YU CANT GIVE FISH PPL NAMES! to cover it up.

the plural for fish is fish not fishes

iChel413 6

... stupid names for fish! :)

nottobeknown4 5

learn how to spell before you go into the market for a new job. fishes??

Fishes isn't a word. Fish is siguler and plural.

Theres no such thing as fishes. FISH is singular and plural.