Stable genius

By Anonymous - 26/09/2020 02:02 - United States - New York

Today, I went on a short date with a new girl in the office, who everyone thought was a tad bit odd. Also today, she showed me the names of our future children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 181
You deserved it 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

First: don’t shit where you eat Second: if everyone agrees someone is a little nuts, it’s usually worth taking into account.

Were they good names? I had my kids' names picked out when I was single, but at least I had the common sense not to share them until the third date. Hmm, I didn't have many fourth dates... Hint: See the Dr. Seuss story "Too Many Daves."


First: don’t shit where you eat Second: if everyone agrees someone is a little nuts, it’s usually worth taking into account.

What are you talking about? Are you into that weird poop sex?

Were they good names? I had my kids' names picked out when I was single, but at least I had the common sense not to share them until the third date. Hmm, I didn't have many fourth dates... Hint: See the Dr. Seuss story "Too Many Daves."

Tell her you are only adopting, she'll be gone in no time.

And that's why you don't date someone from work