
By Anonymous - 18/11/2009 03:43 - United States

Today, me, a coworker, and my manager were looking at random advertisements. One ad was a picture of three fish. My coworker named them what I thought were completely random names. I said, "Those are stupid names." Turns out those are my manager's kids' names. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 591
You deserved it 32 358

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crzyry 6

Ydi for being a dumbass. "Fish" is a singular and plural word.


Good names for people might not be good names for fish. Easily explainable, and either way, you're allowed to have an opinion.

jisatsu 0

YDI and your co-worker is a fag for trying to kiss up to the boss using fish

FISH! No such thing as fishes. you moron!

Sun_Kissed18 25

its both! For the love of god people! FISH and FISHES are BOTH grammatically correct.

perdix 29

*Extract foot from mouth* "I meant those names are stupid for fish, sir, er, because they denote for more intelligence and dignity than any fish could possibly display, sir, and are only appropriate for fine, well-behaved, smart, beautiful children, sir, *gulp*"

Haha. "me, a coworker and my manager"? "fishes"? "kid's" (when it should be kids')? Fyl for not knowing the very basics of the English language. I dropped out of school and I still know English better than most people who post here.

Intellectualist 0

read above. Fishes is acceptable. A dictionary; read one. Stop being an arse.

Nice observation you made there, egghead. Don't expect me not to laugh if you got fired. Oh, and your co-worker too - I despise ass-kissers.

I don't know - there are lots of stupid names out there nowadays. They could very well have been stupid names for fish AND humans.

Punkartmama 0

YDI. Telling your boss that something they said was stupid is always a terrible idea. Sorry that they aren't as "creative" as you THINK you are.

Hey, either this is a fake or this kind of mistake is quite common: I read an old FML of a guy who did the same thing, but instead of fish it was with The Sims.

"And I'll name you... Paul. Paul! Heh, what a ridiculous name for a fish!"