Dress you up

By NotTheFavoriteChild - 03/04/2016 16:53

Today, I asked my mom if she wanted to go wedding dress shopping with me today. She reluctantly said, "I guess…" I showered, shaved, and did my hair and makeup. When I came downstairs, she hadn't even brushed her teeth yet. "I'm just lacking motivation to go," she said. Glad you're so excited too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 462
You deserved it 1 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like there's a bigger problem here. It's kind of hard to tell if she's being an asshole of suffering from clinical depression...

I hate to be THAT guy, but just because you're getting married, that doesn't automatically erase everything else. Is your mom sick, either mentally or physically? Did she have a bad night's sleep or a tough day in general? Did she have money to do anything but window shop? Not everyone wants to spend their time preparing for someone else's wedding. She should have been honest and said she wasn't feeling it rather then get you excited, but it doesn't automatically mean she's not excited for your or prefers her other child(ren). Everyone has their own shut to deal with regardless of whether or not you're getting married.


dafluckster 6

Honestly I felt that way about shopping for my own dress recently. I just hate shopping in general, plus I'm always tired, and I haven't been happy with my body and I feel gross. So I wasn't thrilled to be out doing that.

I think there is more behind her not being motivated and I can understand that she doesn't want to talk about it cause you are in such a happy mood and she doesn't want to drag you down b4 your big day. Go shopping with your bridesmaid(s?) and give her the time she needs, let her know you are not mad and you love her no matter what it is..everything will be alright op, congrats to your engagement

Shes clearly a bitch. To combat her lack of excitement you should've just told her not to go then. If she wants to be an idiot and miss out on things important to her daughter then let her and hopefully in the future shell regret it and realize how big of a bitch she is.

Maybe give her more than a day's notice next time. Shopping for dresses, particularly a wedding dress, is usually a long ordeal, and it can be difficult to pump yourself up for it on no notice, particularly if you had planned on a relaxing day in. She might also just not be feeling well, and doesn't feel up to sitting in various stores with stale air for hours on end looking at a bunch of monotone color dresses trying to judge which is the "one." Wedding dress shopping can be really fun if you're in the mood, but really boring if you're not.

I think people drastically overestimate the extent to which others, including family, actually care about others' weddings. I don't know about anyone else, but I find it much more important to be there for a person's marriage and their life together than just one day to grab attention from everyone around them.

To be honest that sounds a bit like depression. I suffer depression and an anxiety disorder because of my hypothyroidism, and I've been going through a bad spell recently where I've no motivation for anything, the only thing I actually do is feed my cat, but not myself and I don't want to do anything. Even if there's something exciting or something I would highly enjoy doing, I don't enjoy myself and don't want to be wherever it is. Honestly, having no motivation where you stop giving a shit about everything sucks hard. Maybe it's something like that?