Desperate for D

By sadsadperson - 07/09/2011 08:51 - Australia

Today, I lied to my diary about getting laid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 916
You deserved it 30 864

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Luckily diaries can't talk back, because it would have called bullshit.


a_nutritionist 10

"It's not her fault" "There are some people who can't help it" these comments do not align. its NOT her fault is an absolute. there are SOME people is not. therefore, useless comment. moving on.

You ever come to Canada? I can fix that problem ;)

97chevy 0

I think I might be able to help with that if you like..... Jk jk jk

Banokles 7

I'm just glad Anne Frank wasn't as lame as you.

LegitMaddie 0

Well... I actually have no comment.... btw that's so sad

Baytheshark 14

I'm a virgin and still functioning.

Yay to pothead blowing shit up and playing with fire :d my favs