Desperate for D

By sadsadperson - 07/09/2011 08:51 - Australia

Today, I lied to my diary about getting laid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 916
You deserved it 30 864

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Luckily diaries can't talk back, because it would have called bullshit.


Yoo u could pm me eshhayys haha I'd do u then u could write bout me d•.•b

lDobinho 1

that's not cheating on your diary, that's cheating on yourself!

hahahahaha! that is the funniest one ive read! lmao!

secjunkmail 1

Why would you lie in your diary but declare the truth to the entire internet? Stupid.

All you need now is your over-religious mom to find it and try to convince her it was a lie

Lol so... Were you trying to make your diary jealous? Wth lmaooooo

I'm sure your diary was very arosed by that sausy entry!!

...the loser alert metter is goin off the charts..