Criminal Minds

By Anonymous - 18/09/2019 00:01 - United States

Today, I had to go to the ER because of a terrible allergic reaction I had to the cookies my "friend" made for me. She assured me several times that there were no nuts in them. Turns out, she put nuts in them on purpose, to see whether or not I was really allergic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 636
You deserved it 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your "friend" better be paying for that hospital bill. Then put her in the hospital.

EmDizzle2007 28


You could call the police for attempted murder there.

pins91 27

Surely that would be some kind of actual assault right?

You should at the very least file assault charges. Seriously.

Wadlaen 23

Get her to text you that that was what she intended - To "Test" if you really had an allergy. IE text her with "I Can't believe you intentionally gave me cookies with nuts in them, what made you think I was lying about having a nut allergy?" Save her response. Go to the police with the text AND the cookies and file charges for assault, attempted murder, depraved indifference, whatever will stick. No matter what pressure is put on you by her family and probably your own family, stick to it. I seriously doubt she'll do any jail time, more like She'll take a plea deal and receive a fine, time served, and Community service. Keep all copies of police reports and court documents. Sue her for at least the cost of your hospital bills. Harsh? You're damn right but she could have killed you and maybe will think twice before doing something so reckless.

I hope you pressed charges, as well as sued for medical expenses.