Call the cops!

By epipen life - 10/03/2019 16:00 - United States

Today, my boyfriend’s mom fed me a new dish containing peanuts, knowing full well I’m severely allergic. According to her, her ancestors “cured” allergies by exposing the person to the allergen. I went into anaphylactic shock. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 601
You deserved it 229

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have her arrested that is attempted murder.....

The slimmest grain of truth in an empire of lies. Certain allergens or poisons you can SLOWLY build up a tolerance to (but isn’t really a cure). Life threatening allergies like bees or peanuts? Not even close.


Have her arrested that is attempted murder.....

The slimmest grain of truth in an empire of lies. Certain allergens or poisons you can SLOWLY build up a tolerance to (but isn’t really a cure). Life threatening allergies like bees or peanuts? Not even close.

I used to be severely allergic to refried beans as a kid but I can eat it now and just take a Benadryl and pass out.

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Your boyfriend’s mom basically gave you a few months of personal training.

Wow that's one stupid bitch you should press charges just on principles alone that's not right on so many levels

Aphrodite 20

To be fair, i’ve heard of this method but it’s usually used on toddlers. Kind of like immunotherapy. However, definitely doesn’t work on a fully grown adult who has fully developed the allergy.

In one way it is a cure to the allergy... as long as you consider death a cure...

tiredofwaiting 25
Alexiskovich 6
vivavee 2

Sounds like attempted murder to me...