Cough up

By Anonymous - 08/11/2010 10:47 - United States

Today, my friend bought a smartphone and updated his Facebook status with it. Two weeks ago he signed an apartment lease with another friend. Four months ago he bought a new handgun. Seven months ago he bought a new TV. He's owed me $300 for a year and a half. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 441
You deserved it 8 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

airball33 0

That's why you don't loan money to friends


jazzy2588 0

But Who's Countinnq Riqqht? lol

lgriffin86 0

you WON'T be getting your money back. bottom line.

Tell him he ows you 300 + 250 for intrest.

well man up is all I can say, and he ain't your real friend.

welandedonthemoo 5

ydi for not telling him that he owes u.

YDI for being a doormat, which you obviously are. If you had any nerve you either would have gotten your money back, taken him to court, or started breaking his expensive shit long before now.

The wisdom of the adage "He who loans money to a friend loses both the money and the friendship" strikes again!