Cough up

By Anonymous - 08/11/2010 10:47 - United States

Today, my friend bought a smartphone and updated his Facebook status with it. Two weeks ago he signed an apartment lease with another friend. Four months ago he bought a new handgun. Seven months ago he bought a new TV. He's owed me $300 for a year and a half. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 452
You deserved it 8 731

Same thing different taste

Top comments

airball33 0

That's why you don't loan money to friends


YDI for not making him pay the oney he owes you

SaintE_fml 0

new apartment to confuse you $800 a month, new T.V. to watch while hiding out from you $700, handgun if you find him $450, screwing you out of $300 priceless

funzcpl 0

#17 that's one of the best episodes ever!

start charging interest or you know next time not to loan him money

same as my boyfriend! his friend owed him $160 and claimed that he is facing some financial difficulties etc. Yet, he updated his facebook on how he lost money to gambling and how he spend his nights out in clubs and LANs.

TryptamineDreame 0

YDI for not growing a back bone and telling your friend to pay up! :)

Gadomski87 2

Knock his ass out, steal the handgun and TV.

So are you ROTC or what? Or maybe you just went down to a surplus store to look cool? O.o

perdix 29

He's got a handgun -> you're out $300. Unless you get a shotgun.

perdix 29

Extract interest from his deadbeat friend to cover the cost of the shotgun. He could also rob a liquor store on the way home to ensure the gun pays for itself.

Take his hand gun shoot him in the tv and use his phone to break his nose. That'll get your money back.