Communication breakdown

By Jen - 20/03/2012 05:11 - United States - Woodland Hills

Today, my new boyfriend asked why it takes me so long to reach orgasm. I didn't have the heart to tell him that he's never even given me one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 956
You deserved it 7 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dgmesa 4

quit leaving it up 2 him....only u know what u like so tell him what he needs 2 do


lululu333 7

You know? That's pretty ****** up. Don't do to others what you wouldn't like to be done to you. Don't fake and lie in something that important in a relationship and expect sympathy, because I bet if he would have done it to you you wouldn't have like it. Tell him what you like and guide him through it. Anyways, you will gain much more if u do.

well shit it's better to tell him than to let him keep wasting his efforts don't be shy and tell him what you like. well assuming that you DO ******, because I know some girls just don't. at all. lame :(

Why does he think he's given you orgasms before? Are you faking them with him? If so, you're only cheating yourself. Since he's a "new" boyfriend, he may not know what you like to get you off. It's your job to guide him (perhaps using you own hands) and show him what you like, if not, you have only yourself to blame.

OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Orgasms aren't the be-all-end-all of sex, but they are very nice. You don't have to tell your boyfriend he's never made you ******, but do start directing him a little. During foreplay you could make suggestions like "I really want you to finger my clit" or something. If he's not amenable to altering what he does, then he's a lost cause.

16-I couldn't help reading you're comment in Pinkie Pie's voice.

sandinthewaves 5

Yea, you should let him know. Maybe he'll try something new.

Give him a guide, draw him a map, push his head a little to the left with your thigh, put your hand on his shoulder and govern his speed, talk to him, whatever works.

Haha sounds like you've had sex with me! I'm glad you wrote this, it's better coming from a man, perhaps she'll listen.

I'm sure that would be a fantastic experience

Any women who fakes only has themselves to blame. Speak to him nicely about how he can help you have an ******, if he is not interested then kick his ass out.

thiscrazything 1

Is it just me, or do 17 and 19 look like they could be brothers?

More fool you! When are women going to learn, your only doing yourself out of pleasure if you fake it! Gotta tell um what does it for you!

Your "NEW" boyfriend. So did you fall into the sack right away then? Maybe you need to give him detailed instructions on how to pleasure you so you can hit the almighty "O". Did your "OLD" boyfriend send you to the moon? And if so, why aren't you together?