
By embaressed - 19/12/2009 09:44 - United States

Today, I was standing outside a store about to flirt with this guy when my mother drove up and shouted, "Hurry up, I have diarrhea!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 840
You deserved it 3 087

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MoonyIce 0

Claaaassic. That's too awesome. At least you were only 'about' to flirt with him and hadn't actually started in on it.

justdancebbyx3 7

You should have said to the guy "My love for you is like my mother's diarrhea. It can't be held in."


cheyAnn 0
sparkle1990 0

that's funny my mom would do that wait she has done worse

jcdiva7 0

Oh I would die of embarrassment

nicolemarie5000 4

Oh god! Sounds like something my mom would do lol

Bwaa HAA HAA!I'm dying just thinking about it!

Is that nessessary? Sure hope you'll see him again and he'll forget that...