Like a dog

By Jick - 26/02/2023 14:00

Today, I was outside when I was suddenly overcome by an intense need to shit. The back door was locked, so I tried to run to the front, but couldn't make it. As I squatted in the bushes, my girlfriend came home unexpectedly. She screamed and called me a sick, disgusting freak. FML
I agree, your life sucks 768
You deserved it 288

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a visual that ends a relationship immediately. Sorry for the unfortunate timing, butt she's not wrong.

That's just shitty...and not how you fertilize the bushes either. Better to take a dump in the can and risk an inner hull breach en route than to get dumped.


I'm sorry, OP, but there were clean clothes, a shower, and PRIVACY inside the house. You may have trashed what you were wearing, but you could have done damage control inside the house...

That's a visual that ends a relationship immediately. Sorry for the unfortunate timing, butt she's not wrong.

That's just shitty...and not how you fertilize the bushes either. Better to take a dump in the can and risk an inner hull breach en route than to get dumped.