Kids Say the Darndest Things

By Lolabunny - 21/08/2018 04:00 - United States - Anaheim

Today, I went grocery shopping with my 4-year-old after having some major bathroom issues. As I walked over to get bananas, she yelled out in the middle of the produce section, "DO YOU STILL HAVE DIARRHEA MOMMY?!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 824
You deserved it 348

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"NOT ANY MORE! Someone better mop that up."

Is that because bananas are “nature’s butt plugs?”


Aw! At least she was concerned about you and now you have a funny memory to share/blackmail with her when she gets older.

Is that because bananas are “nature’s butt plugs?”

"NOT ANY MORE! Someone better mop that up."

I LOVE CHILDREN SO MUCH! I guarantee that made someone else’s day so at least there’s that. You know you’d laugh if it happened to someone else.

boopingsnoot 24

In ten years or so, she’s gonna turn just as red in the face when you tell this story to her prom date!