
By embaressed - 19/12/2009 09:44 - United States

Today, I was standing outside a store about to flirt with this guy when my mother drove up and shouted, "Hurry up, I have diarrhea!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 840
You deserved it 3 087

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MoonyIce 0

Claaaassic. That's too awesome. At least you were only 'about' to flirt with him and hadn't actually started in on it.

justdancebbyx3 7

You should have said to the guy "My love for you is like my mother's diarrhea. It can't be held in."


UpYoursLiar 1

Hahahahahaha! Serves you right, loser. Who would want to flirt with you anyway? Being related to a moron like that. I can only imagine how ugly you must be.

Hey troll, why the hell to you judge the girl for her mother's actions? Go to bed dude, take a nap.

if you know hes a troll, then why bother tryin?

klovemachine 24

This is what you call a true FML. If my mum did that then i would never talk to her again and i wouldn't be able to live that down...

schwinn11 0

Wow, what a perfect ice breaker

thinmint 0

That sucks OP, it's rly not even funny, just embarrassing for you

blazingman311 1

So? You may not know this, but 99% of guys find diarrhea incredibly arousing.

You'll probably flirt with another guy tomorrow.

Cowless 0

Would you prefer to be driven home in a car full of diarrhea?

That's so embarrassing for you, yet so hilarious. I can't get over how easily she could just roll down the window and shout to the world about her diarrhea. I'd be too embarrassed to say anything like that in public.

HyperExecuter 0

ha, #11 rocks. get a life girl, no one wants to flirt with you any ways.