
By daisyann - 15/07/2009 23:55 - United States

Today, I got pulled over for the first time. When the officer came up to my window, I immediately burst out into tears due to nervousness. He kept asking me for my licence and registration. Hysterical, I wasn't able to comply. He arrested me for not cooperating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 680
You deserved it 55 593

Same thing different taste

Top comments

are you the girl from american idol who keeps crying for sanjaya?

Seti_fml 0

you deserve it, no way around that. You have to be an adult and keep your composure when being pulled over. It's part of your responsibility as a driver.


Regardless if you have anger and road rage, or become easily distraught... If you cannot be in total control of your emotions, you do not belong behind a steering wheel operating a motor vehicle.

Good point. I wouldn't want someone who gets that stressed out by a police officer driving a car. If the OP hit me with her car, she would probably just sit there bawling her eyes out while I bled to death.

I have never been pulled over, and I think that if I am I will have NO idea what to do :.... I do not think I will be hysterical though.

Do what the officer says? I'm pretty sure that'd be a good thing to do.

wooooow you really need to chill the hell out.

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Seti_fml 0

you deserve it, no way around that. You have to be an adult and keep your composure when being pulled over. It's part of your responsibility as a driver.

What are you, sixteen? Seventeen? And what did you get pulled over FOR? Christ. It's a sucky experience, but most of the time you deserve the ticket. I got caught speeding once, when I was 18 - it was enough of a lesson for me. Pay attention to the road and own up to ******* up.

yaziyo 0

I'd be scared too after watching those American cop shows. "STOP RESISTING *hit* "

girlnexdoor 0

I was shaking when I first got pulled over. I pulled out about 5 different insurance papers before I found the right one to hand to him. So I understand your frustration. Acting all sweet and innocent will do a world of good though, I've been pulled over 3 times now, (never for speeding) and never even got a warning from the officers.

Hich17 0

Didn't get a warning...? Those cops are severely not doing their job.

Not necessarily, it depends on what you're being pulled over for, could have been a busted tail light or something, most cops are pretty laid back about that sort of thing, especially if you're nice and polite to them.

girlnexdoor 0

Yeah, first time I was following too close behind someone because they were going 45 in a 60 because they slowed down when they saw the cop parked. Second time for not signaling while coming out of a parking lot. Third time I got pulled over because I didn't signal on a highway. So yeah, all I've got was, "be careful next time".

If you're too much of an emotional wreck to handle being pulled over, you don't deserve the privilege of driving. YDI

Indeed, Christ, get a grip on yourself!