Caught red-knobbed

By Anonymous - 27/01/2010 02:28 - France

Today, I was having sex with a girl when her parents decided to come home early. Trying to run out the back door I fell and broke my ankle. Not only did her former Navy Seal father find out I was banging his little princess, he drove me to the ER, alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 837
You deserved it 30 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hey, look T the bright side... you had sex dude, with a princess!!!

perdix 29

Did he drive you in a car, or with a golf club? Those SEALs are legendarily tough.


Next time keep your u know what in your pants nd save it for at ur house but too bad bout ur ankle hope u feel better though

Have some respect for the daddy, bro.

Former Navy Seal? You're megafucked hahahahah

At least you lived long enough to tell the FML!

Next time, try not to disrespect a former Nave Seal in his own home...

funny story to tell kids of relationship begins. or last. don't know detail of relationship.

I dont know why people are afraid of their girlfriends dads. if he hurts you for ******* his daughter then its assault which you can get him arrested for