Caught red-knobbed

By Anonymous - 27/01/2010 02:28 - France

Today, I was having sex with a girl when her parents decided to come home early. Trying to run out the back door I fell and broke my ankle. Not only did her former Navy Seal father find out I was banging his little princess, he drove me to the ER, alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 837
You deserved it 30 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hey, look T the bright side... you had sex dude, with a princess!!!

perdix 29

Did he drive you in a car, or with a golf club? Those SEALs are legendarily tough.


At least u got a ride to the ER and her dad didnt beat your ass!

Goodlife918975 6

Navy seal broken ankle you are having a bad day

ShadowBitch99 2
Travis95_fml 8

Lucky your not dead friche.

ScreamingFits 0

Apparently you're still alive, so, who cares?