
By Anonymous - 16/01/2022 14:01

Today, I got proof that martial arts don’t really work, I’ve supposedly worked my way up to my black belt, and I challenged my brother to a match. He floored me with one punch before I could do anything, and he only weight lifts to keep in shape, he’s never done martial arts in his life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 309
You deserved it 1 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it works, and you are probably pretty good technically. but... "everyone has a plan until they get hit." being hit for real is a lot different then sparring for the point of technique practice. also, direct impact is different than redirecting incoming force or being put to the ground. TLDR learn to take a hit. I'm surprised they didn't teach you this in a combat sport.


it works, and you are probably pretty good technically. but... "everyone has a plan until they get hit." being hit for real is a lot different then sparring for the point of technique practice. also, direct impact is different than redirecting incoming force or being put to the ground. TLDR learn to take a hit. I'm surprised they didn't teach you this in a combat sport.

Meh, plenty of martial arts can be taught as great exercise that's useless in a fight. Most of the real serious fighting stuff is only taught AFTER black belt. Until then, it's all really just introducing the basics and getting your body healthy. WT TKD's foot fencing is famously mocked, but there's alot of very lethal stuff in TKD that is simply not allowed in the olympic sparring. Some branches of ITF TKD spars non-contact because the techniques are designed to cripple. Every block should break a bone in the attacker, etc. Judo and krav maga are held up as more pratical styles. They use the same blocking techniques you'll learn in TKD (not all! some of the TKD blocks are for training flexibility or teaching you to engage certain mucles), and neither style will help if a solid uppercut KOs you before you know the fight is evening happening.

Boxing is a martial art and a very effective one at that. It's not much to be able to throw a good punch and win very short fights. The training is needed to go the distance against a fighter that has more than sissy skills.

Yes, it is. Unless you use the racist definition that denies martial arts that originate out of East Asia. Boxing is the best martial art when it comes to actual fighting.

Yeah... This isn't the fault of the martial arts.

If you got punched, that's on you, not the martial arts.

Alayna Joyce Christensen 15

Martial Arts are great, but its hard to beat and unexpected sucker punch to the face.

There's a difference in martial arts schools. Some teach a martial sport. Some teach actual defence. Sorry you got the first. For future reference, if they're all about you taking tests and advancing, or competing in sports tournaments then they're not really teaching you much. The best martial arts school I ever went to didn't have belts or much by way of a ranking system at all.

As a police officers child that my dad used to practice sparing with so he could make sure he was doing it right, I can agree that you need to be in a few real fights to know how to properly use what was taught to you. Just after graduating highschool my buddy went military and when he came back after bootcamp I kept pinning him to the ground during our sparing sessions. Find a gym and sign a waiver saying you understand that you are going to get your butt kicked and then hit the mat and see how dirty fighting is different than the trained arts.