Cats and Cars

By Anonymous - 21/07/2014 22:49 - United States - Dublin

Today, I had to take my cat to the vet. On the way there, he managed to get out of his cage, climb into the front seat, onto my chest, and howl in my face as I tried to drive down the highway. I ended up with stitches and still got charged for missing my cat's appointment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 603
You deserved it 5 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Very smart cat... Managed to not only get out of going to the vet, he punished you for trying to take him OP.


I think you might need to add the words "pull over" to your vocabulary, this is the situation where it's better to, not only for you but for other road users. Kill a family cause your cat got out and you didn't bother to use the side of the road/hard shoulder and live with yourself. YDI.

Might be time to invest in a cat carrier...

It would have a new home called THE WOODS.

I want to take my cat on a car ride now, it'd be so cool.

NodakN8V 25

Cat said "cause F*ck you that's why"

And at no point in this process did you think to pull over to the side of the road? YDI.

I can't tell if this is the story of the best cat ever or an FML from the most unfortunate cat owner on the planet. FYL, but that's so hilarious.