By bigbaby - 16/09/2016 07:06 - United States - Saint Michael

Today, I woke up in the middle of the night and panicked because I couldn't find my blankie. I'll be 36 in a month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 815
You deserved it 3 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even the eldest of us need our blanket warrior. Don't fret, Op, it will protect you with its clothy presence-- no need to be ashamed.

kaitlyn520 13

I've had a certain pillow since I was 10 months old.. I'm 21, and I freak out when I can't find it. My blue pillow


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I'm 24 and still sleep with stuffed animals. Should I see a therapist?

If OP is panicking without it, and posted an FML about it, that alludes to the idea that she might have an unhealthy dependence on it that perhaps therapy could help with. That's all I was saying

Why? Has there been a rash of reports of invisible therapists, that were previously visible to the naked eye? In all seriousness though, if you invited to a party that happens to also include a therapist on the guest list, the you should in fact see him or her just as well as you can see anyone else. Jamie Davidoff

Maybe not a therapist but you should definitely learn to live on your own without needing home comforts.

Even the eldest of us need our blanket warrior. Don't fret, Op, it will protect you with its clothy presence-- no need to be ashamed.

Well, a blankie is more of a blanket for the sole purpose of security for a child, where logic doesn't factor in, so having one at 35 years of age is a little unsettling in my opinion :I

Oh, come on. Most people have a comfort item of some sort well beyond childhood; there's nothing embarrassing or unsettling about it.

I personally don't know any one who, openly at least, have a comfort item that isn't some sort of vice, all I'm saying ^^

Isa_fml 20

Maybe they don't trust you not to be a judgmental dick about it.

Did it happen the one time only or is it a common occurance? You gotta give some more context other than that you're hilariously too old to have a blankie.

kaitlyn520 13

I've had a certain pillow since I was 10 months old.. I'm 21, and I freak out when I can't find it. My blue pillow

I had a pillow like that but I forgot it in a cabin. Still makes me sad when I think about it. My yellow pillow :(

I had a stuffed leapord I've had since I was a baby. It's limbs were all backwards, but I absolutely adored it. Unfortunately, a year or two ago, I lost it, along with a bunch of other stuffed animals, due to a horrible case of bed bugs.

kaitlyn520 13

I'm gunna be so sad if it falls apart:(

cootiequeen4444 11

This comment made me think of that cartoon movie called The Brave Little Toaster. One of the characters was a Blankie and I could see it get lost and another of the characters saying that. I wish I remembered the movie better.. I must have watched it at least 10 times growing up so I don't know why I'm failing at recalling most of it. Nice feeling of nostalgia thinking about it though. haha

I panick when I am in bed and suddenly I feel I am falling in hell.

*panic Maybe see a professional that can help you with that.

You've got to be a grown-up about this! Put a GPS tag on your blankie, so you can locate it anywhere in the world. I put one on my nuk-nuk, too, because I can't imaging losing that!

I'm 18 and recently moved 5 states away from everything I know for college. The only blanket I brought with me I've had since I was 6, and I sometimes cuddle with it because it smells like home. There is nothing wrong with having a sentimental blanket or pillow or other item, no matter how old you are.