By Tigerninjagoalie - 20/06/2016 23:13 - United States - Tonawanda

Today, I finally found someone who liked me and wanted to kiss me. It was a 5-year-old at the daycare I work at. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 667
You deserved it 1 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fpants2010 18

They say kids are excellent judges of character! :)

I'm sure you are a very amazing person. It's just not the right time for you yet. I've been single for years and at times I wonder why but than I realize I just need to be patient and let things happen naturally. I'm not saying don't do anything and just wait for a guy to come to you (that doesn't work) but just take it slow and whatever happens happens


fpants2010 18

They say kids are excellent judges of character! :)

catanita 18

Children do not judge by appearance as most of us adults do in this world where most things are enhanced via computer or surgery.

Well I don't know what 5 year olds you've been talking to... Say, did you get that advice from a 5 year old? Because this one five year old hated me because of a freckle on my arm.

I'm sure you are a very amazing person. It's just not the right time for you yet. I've been single for years and at times I wonder why but than I realize I just need to be patient and let things happen naturally. I'm not saying don't do anything and just wait for a guy to come to you (that doesn't work) but just take it slow and whatever happens happens

drayloon 50

I suppose he likes you like more than like a sister?

We like you too, OP. We just don't want to kiss you.

tehstarchild 16

Don't rush OP, love will find you, just keep your head up..

aw, so sweet ;) children are wonderful