By xXxJoe16xXx - 01/12/2009 21:11 - United States

Today, I went to Walmart with my girlfriend. We bought the usual, food, Advil and condoms. While I waited in line, she went to grab everything. When she came back, I looked in the cart and saw no condoms. I asked her why she didn't get any. She replied "They ran out of smalls." Everyone laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 048
You deserved it 8 424

Same thing different taste

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Don't feel too badly about it... obviously a LOT more people have this same dilemma, seeing as how Walmart RAN OUT of small condoms!

ahahahah, not going to lie, I would have laughed to.


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bmxwhiteboi 0

dude, viargra only helps you get it up, doesn't increase the size.

Okie7123 0

What? Is Advil part of your everyday diet so much that you need to buy it everytime you get food?! WTF?

Its for all those headaches his girlfriend gets. Every night I suspect, just like my girlfriend.

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Hey 64, tell your girlfriend that orgasms alleviate headaches, so she should shut up and lay down so you can help her with that.

sharon_ellj 0

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I have three things to say about this situation.. 1. 1# Randomkris, your a retard 2. i wish i had your girlfriend she has a cool sense of humor 3. get a penis enlarger

no hes just a dumbass. everyone else knows.

redsox4021 0

all of them are the same size they stretch to your hand to elbow only for ego booster and money

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and your your incredibly retarded. it said his girlfriend not his wife.

your your? I think you are the retard

plus its youre not your. youre is the conjunction of you are. your is like it belongs to you.. ..dumbass

It's a contraction, not a conjunction. ....Dumbass

screammlouder 0

Don't feel too badly about it... obviously a LOT more people have this same dilemma, seeing as how Walmart RAN OUT of small condoms!

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Uh, I think wearing a condom that is too big for your penis would pretty much defeat the purpose.

@13 The difference between any two successive sizes of condoms is only a few millimeters of latex. It's almost insignificant, seeing as how most condoms can stretch to accommodate a good portion of a human arm. A medium size condom probably would have worked fine.

Theta, actually, I've heard it increases the chances of it coming off, if you use a bigger size. Smaller size, increase of chances of it breaking.

Yeh, but the issue isn't a condom being big enough to fit his penis. It's the issue of being small enough. Most condoms may stretch around a human arm, but the condom isn't going to shrink around his penis. I would imagine that if he's wearing a condom bigger than what conforms to his penis well, it will increase the chances of it slipping off. More latex=more room=probably not good for intercourse.

Lol agreed! Some people just shouldn't be allowed to fornicate (i.e. the girlfriend)

people who use the word 'fornicate' prob shouldn't have sex either

MsSippi 0

hey! what's wrong with the word "fornicate"? I use that word sometimes and I also like to fornicate frequently.

lmao wow maybe she didn't think about what she was saying? funny for the people around in the store though. But I'm sorry your junk is small.

crazy_coon 0

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LMAO at #165. hahaha I read that in the most red neck voice I could think of. hahaha

haha 'MERICA is absolutely right. good call.