Came early

By Benju - 12/02/2022 16:00

Today, I bought Valentine’s Day cupcakes in advance, knowing they were going to be sold out by then. I put them in the fridge, still wrapped in their plastic bag, with a Post-it that said, “Don’t Touch.” Apparently, this didn’t stop my wife from eating all 12 mini cupcakes because she “was hungry.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 991
You deserved it 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you can still eat her muffin on Valentine's day, that'll teach her!

hopefully she won't get pissy when you don't have anything for her on valentines day lol


Well, you can still eat her muffin on Valentine's day, that'll teach her!

So, is she a big girl? I haven't had a chance to look at your profile.

YDI for buying mini cupcakes. If you bought regular cupcakes, which are already a mini version of cake, there would have been a better chance of having some left over.

ok but, weren't they for her anyway? it was a little rude but who cares if she ate them a day early?

hopefully she won't get pissy when you don't have anything for her on valentines day lol