By JoshuaRob - 03/03/2010 06:10 - United States

Today, I got excited because a snowman I had built lasted a whole week, which is uncommon in my mild climate area. I thought myself lucky, and that my life was turning around. Then I realized how lame my whole train of thought was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 198
You deserved it 8 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I do stuff like that, OP. I'll tell myself: "If you can walk faster than the person in front of you and pass them before you get to that street light, you totally win and are awesome at life. Double points if you can do it without them noticing that they've been shamefully defeated!"

trebor8586 0

what is wrong with enjoying snow?


TapeMan_3000 0

lol his whole life turned around cause his snowman lasted a whole week.

today I wasted 45 seconds of my life reading this pathetic post; fml.

1800getalife 0

call the number on my username

livluvlaff8 0
Jrook 0

16 you read slow, and that makes your life pathetic. fyl

FYLDeep 25

Please tell me where you live so I can come and destroy your snowman for wasting my time. Plus, you'll have a slightly better FML to post.

fcukyoudoug 0

And then you decided to waste 45 more seconds to write a complaint about it. XD

fireobsessed 0

nooo point..... not worth my time

marleytooyou 0

sooo who cares no one thinks smart things all the time

Smiz 0

it took you 45 seconds to read this?

Yeah you need to get a life, if a snowman is the biggest excitement in your life!

ToteMagotes 0

A whole week! Oh boy I'm jealous. Lol.

I do stuff like that, OP. I'll tell myself: "If you can walk faster than the person in front of you and pass them before you get to that street light, you totally win and are awesome at life. Double points if you can do it without them noticing that they've been shamefully defeated!"

heehee! I'm going to try this today! :)

It truly makes life with living on crappy days. :D

lol. I do that when I'm driving. if someone passes me, I HAVE to pass them back up. Or I'll make my turn and then they're "disqualified" from my race for going off course.

OMG I do that all the time! Glad I'm not the only one. Hmmm, I wonder if we've competed against each other...

CrzyMnky 0

I've actually done that a few times on my way to the bus.

You sound like Chris Hardwick from #@Midnight

I don't think that this is fml worthy just because the op came to the sudden realization that he needs a life...Just find some friends op I bet you will do fine

Today, I got excited because there was a new FML on this website. It took a whole minute to load because our internet is crap, which is common in my area. Then I realized how lame this whole FML was. FML

Anti09 1

You realized how lame your train of thought was... and your next logical step was to tell everybody about it on the internet? This isn't FML worthy, it's not even MLIA worthy. YDI for wasting my internet.

I could have been watching "the internet is for ****" instead of reading this