C'mon man!

By Pooping - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - Aldergrove

Today, while I was at work, a coworker began ranting about his theory that the government is going to create a disease that sterilises everyone, and use the antidote to control the population. I was just trying to take a crap in the stall next to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 266
You deserved it 1 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A interesting thing to discuss while doing the daily push. He could be onto something.


Atleast you werent bored while on the crapper

Hiimhaileypotter 52

People who talk in bathrooms are so awkward...

It's kind of like when your gynecologist tries to talk to you when she's down there making sure your lady parts are healthy and what not. I guess that's slightly more awkward.

Not sure if the ladies have the golden rule in bathrooms like us guys do, but I hate it when some guy stands at the urinal right next to me, breaking the "every other urinal" personal space rule.

If I was a guy I would pee in the stall.

110- We don't really need rules. It's common sense.

Yeah, we learned that he's a tin foil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist.

Isn't that still learning? OP got to know how the mind of a co-worker functions.

TheDrifter 23

Oryx and Crake must be a favorite of his. But the jokes on him, we all know the corporations won't turn over the REAL antidote without conditions. Now to make a new foil hat before they track me down again.

Seems like he's been wanting to share that with someone for a while.

KiddNYC1O 20

This certainly calls for a fart war.

Ah man, I love these kind of conversations/discussions. But not on the toilet.