C'mon man!

By Pooping - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - Aldergrove

Today, while I was at work, a coworker began ranting about his theory that the government is going to create a disease that sterilises everyone, and use the antidote to control the population. I was just trying to take a crap in the stall next to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 266
You deserved it 1 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A interesting thing to discuss while doing the daily push. He could be onto something.


georgina_rmrz 5

They are definitely right though. You should thank them for letting you know:)

Please give us proof of this. Random talk in the bathroom is not legitimate proof.

Is it bad that I kinda want to hear more about his theory?

All the crazies are from East Hastings, Vancouver.

Shadow_Phantom 26

To be completely honest, he probably isn't far from the truth. But FYL for having to listen to that in the bathroom... that's just awkward.

tne201992 12

I hate it when someone is trying to have a conversation when you're in the stall. It's awkward and you can't get shit done..

Less population in Canada? Give India a call op.

The_F3rris 11

That IS going to happen. And when it does you'll be sorry you didn't listen to that guy lol

Says who? You? LOL, ok we'll watch out for the boogieman and his ambitions. Whooooooo, beware!

BloodDiamond96 11

I mean, COVID-19 is happening right now. Without the vaccine you’re not allowed to travel and pretty soon won’t be able to go to stores or anywhere without it. The vaccine that requires two shots and still have a chance to get it? I’m too poor to travel anyways. Think I’ll wait for that “vaccine”.

BloodDiamond96 11

I mean, COVID-19 is happening right now. Without the vaccine you’re not allowed to travel and pretty soon won’t be able to go to stores or anywhere without it. The vaccine that requires two shots and still have a chance to get it? I’m too poor to travel anyways. Think I’ll wait for that “vaccine”.

bpd2408 1

It's not just a theory... It's a good idea