C'mon man!

By Pooping - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - Aldergrove

Today, while I was at work, a coworker began ranting about his theory that the government is going to create a disease that sterilises everyone, and use the antidote to control the population. I was just trying to take a crap in the stall next to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 266
You deserved it 1 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A interesting thing to discuss while doing the daily push. He could be onto something.


reldnahceus 8

obviously not happening in china or indiana....


It's on record that GMO food is designed to sterilize u and give u cancer, why do you think cancer is off the charts? Monsanto won't even eat their own food in their cafeteria, and they've been putting SV40 in ur vaccines and other cancer viruses for the last 60 years it's designed to soft kill u if u look it up, it's in the rockefeller foundation documents ..they brag about soft killing us all the time in their books they think ur so dumb that u won't look into this cuz they think ur all a bunch of chumps who watch tv all day

SamCrow 1

Human trails begin in largely populated areas in the Middle East ( all of it) and Africa. wOOt

That's the best idea I've ever heard. They should make everyone sterile and in order to be able to reproduce, you have to have a certain income, iq, have a car and home, be drug tested etc.

There is actually a novel based around a scientist making a disease to cause a mass die off because he is obsessed with overpopulation and wants to stop it. At the end of the story, you find out the pathogen actually was designed to sterilize a percent of the population to slow down human growth.