By ouharguohargssdf - 28/09/2013 21:01 - United States - Fort Wayne

Today, my wife made me go with her to dinner with her parents, despite their long-standing hatred of me. Later on, my mother-in-law muttered to me, "I made yours special for ya", smirked, then made a show of scratching at her butt-crack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 462
You deserved it 2 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do the same but make a show of scratching your balls next time.


redwaygirl 5

I was really hoping for a good mother in law joke first

I'm not that clever on quick thinking

OP: Haha, you sure got me! Sounds like someone's never going to meet her grandchildren! :D *big smile, walk away*

jw90 18

Damn she really hates your ass OP.

tjv3 10

Tell her that later in life you will help pick her nursing home and then just smile

Looks like you won't be eating dinner with them ever again.

What the **** did you do to make them hate you so much OP?!

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Well apparently OP married their daughter. What a selfish dick he is for marrying their little girl! She could have married a lawyer or a doctor! Shame on you, OP, letting love get the best of you..

Do the same but make a show of scratching your balls next time.

Shed prob get all excited and attempt to take a bite out of his balls aswell

Wizardo 33

#12,cos its the easiest and lowest form of wit next to sarcasm unless you construct eloquent poetry out of the sarcastic and witty pun-ditry.

I would lose my apetite as soon as she pointed at her butt crack :s

HeyHeyFishFillet 34

Really? Whenever I see someone do that, I get uncontrollably hungry. I thought that was normal? No?

TyT63 12

have sex with your wife on their bed

octaviamarieb 18

The "later on" part leads me to believe that dinner was already eaten. But it's still not too late to purposely vomit in her living room on her Persian rug! :P

redwaygirl 5
olpally 32

Just ignore her and throw the food out.

These are the kinds of people whose doorsteps deserve to be littered with lit dog shit.