C'mon man!

By Pooping - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - Aldergrove

Today, while I was at work, a coworker began ranting about his theory that the government is going to create a disease that sterilises everyone, and use the antidote to control the population. I was just trying to take a crap in the stall next to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 266
You deserved it 1 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A interesting thing to discuss while doing the daily push. He could be onto something.


Bet he tries that on with the women so they can make babies before the Government sterilises everyone.

There should be no talking while on the shitter. Or at urinals either. Bodily noises only.

If only we apply this to conspiracy theorists, along with free Lobotomies, then we can live without some dumbass with his tin-foil hat loose rambling about the NWO and faked moon landings.

coughyochick 7

Somebody's been on Cracked here lately

I can recall another FML like this one. They're everywhere!!

Even taking a crap is getting so complex these days

Sorry to let u know. But what theyre saying is true.

dominic1221 6

Improve your grammar, and I'll take you a tiny bit more seriously. Just kidding - I really won't.

limblessorphan 4

Yes he said disease but meant commercial telivision is gonna make us all sterile.

Sounds like he shouldn't get the antidote. We don't need stall talkers breeding.