When nature calls

By Sacha - 19/01/2021 08:01 - Canada

Today, while I was working in a grocery store, a costumer decide to take a dump on the ground after I told him he couldn’t access to restrooms because my boss closed them due to COVID restrictions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 992
You deserved it 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well for one your boss committed an illegal action you can't lock public restrooms even during a pandemic and two being somebody that has Crohn's disease when you gotta a shit ya gotta a shit there is no holding it


well for one your boss committed an illegal action you can't lock public restrooms even during a pandemic and two being somebody that has Crohn's disease when you gotta a shit ya gotta a shit there is no holding it

Wadlaen 23

Well, when nature calls, nature calls...😅

Anzubar 5

What costume were they wearing?

mccuish 25

I’ve been getting tired of places locking up public washrooms during this pandemic. I went out for a walk to get some exercise. I needed to use the washroom while I was out. It was hard to find a place that had the public washrooms open.

That's when you go to the PA, say "Clean up on Aisle 9" and go on break until someone else cleans it up, or it decomposes.