By not amused - 19/05/2016 09:01 - Ireland - Cork

Today, my dad woke me up in a panic at five to ten in the morning, because he couldn't figure out how to type the "@" in an e-mail address. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 982
You deserved it 1 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha, what a ******* noob! It couldn't be much easier: you disconnect your keyboard, stick two paper clips into the USB port touching the left and right data pins, attach the chain of resistors to one clip, touch the negative terminal of a double A battery to the other, and then connect the open resistor end to the positive terminal of the battery for exactly 500 milliseconds. The processor interprets that electrical pulse as a few keystrokes, and before you know it, you have three @ symbols. Then you delete the two you don't need. Hahaha, I still can't get over how ignorant your father is, OP!

Whoa, hopefully it was a veryyy important email.


Whoa, hopefully it was a veryyy important email.

The @ sign is very important. You should be grateful he trusted you to help him with such an important task. :D

I literally have no response to this. I'm sorry you got woken up OP. Now you won't be woken up in the future about the @ symbol. I hope it was an important email. Best of luck to you OP.

I agree #17, it literally takes 5 seconds to describe and you get to help your family. It's just to go back to sleep afterwards.

How can you "literally" have no response but yet respond??? You have officially broken literally!

Could be worse. I wouldn't say **** your life because of it.

Haha, what a ******* noob! It couldn't be much easier: you disconnect your keyboard, stick two paper clips into the USB port touching the left and right data pins, attach the chain of resistors to one clip, touch the negative terminal of a double A battery to the other, and then connect the open resistor end to the positive terminal of the battery for exactly 500 milliseconds. The processor interprets that electrical pulse as a few keystrokes, and before you know it, you have three @ symbols. Then you delete the two you don't need. Hahaha, I still can't get over how ignorant your father is, OP!

katachristic 19

pfft, real programmers use butterflies.

Wow! I didn't know that's how you do it! It's so simple!!! Silly me, I've just been mailing letters because I could never figure it out! Now, I don't have to pay for postage, anymore!

REAL programmers set the universal constants at the start such that the universe evolves to contain the disk with the data they want, #11. A fellow XKCD fan, eh?

Instructions not clear. Got my dick stuck in an ice tray.

haha, I think if you post this to enough sites, some people might even try this !!!

What does ten to five in the morning mean?

It means it happened anytime from 10am the previous day to 5am the current day. Duh.

It means it was 4:50am. 10 minutes til 5am. Ten to 5am.

it says five to ten, not ten to five.

Unless OP works night shift or something, I fail to see how this would be an FML. You had to wake up at brunch time? Sorry he didn't let you lie there all day.

More like the "@/*#•!!!@!!" symbol for you

Usually it's the kids who don't know how to email... haha.

Well, you didn't yell @ him right? If your dad is anything like mine, I'd write down how to do it on a sticky note for them. One instruction down, only 255 to go.

Melodyrain 20

i find it kinda cute when they start panicking when it doesn't work!