C'mon man!

By Pooping - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - Aldergrove

Today, while I was at work, a coworker began ranting about his theory that the government is going to create a disease that sterilises everyone, and use the antidote to control the population. I was just trying to take a crap in the stall next to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 266
You deserved it 1 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A interesting thing to discuss while doing the daily push. He could be onto something.


I hope that crazy coworker of your is right. I want to be sterilized AND I don't want the cure. No worry of babies and all the sex I could ever want. Sign me up.

lpietr21 9

I was a bit suspicious on why they were so pushy in us getting flu shots... there was a theory out there with that same possible conspiracy.

BloodDiamond96 11

I mean, COVID-19 is happening right now. Without the vaccine you’re not allowed to travel and pretty soon won’t be able to go to stores or anywhere without it. The vaccine that requires two shots and still have a chance to get it? I’m too poor to travel anyways. Think I’ll wait for that “vaccine”.

sounds kinda like "welcome to the monkey house"

Dude it's totally true! Think about it. The way America lines up to get the newest vaccination without ever questioning if we need it.. People you have a choice! You don't need to be vaccinated!

The United States has over 330 Million people and it's still increasing since the end of World War 2. Where's your "disease and population control" now?

Vaccination is important tho!! Maybe untested isn't good but vaccines are important!

noisebox 1

Yeah but he's right if you can get past the shit smell ....

Actually if you go to the tv show conspiracy theory with Gov. Ventura he did an episode about the flu pandemic and they were talking about the thinning of the herd which is called culling. Anything is possible with our gov. I put nothing past them. Also look into the builderbergs they are a secret society of the upper wealthy and in there mission statement they talk about how the world is overpopulated and they need to thin the herd out. That's just great how we are thought of as a herd. Wow how original. Get the box cars ready. Also look into FEMA and who they report to and what they are about. I'm just say'n

I bet Rush Limbaugh knows all about it...

roxyartist 8

Well, at least you are being entertained.

ScaryLullaby 10

I think that's entertaining even though I don't care for politics.