But I didn't! I wasn't!

By I didn't though - 10/09/2015 04:07 - United States

Today, I arrived at a camp and met one of my roommates. At bedtime, I had energy still, so I did push-ups. The guy was asleep or so I thought because he was facing the wall. The guy thought I was jacking off and told everyone I did it in the middle of our room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 822
You deserved it 2 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He was facing the wall, in bed, while he listened to someone grunting behind him. I get the feeling he may have been the one spanking the monkey.


Hmm I dunno... kinda weird to just start doing push ups in the middle of the night, no?

What the **** kind of noises do u make while doing push ups???

Must be pretty crap attempts at push-ups if he thought you were jacking off.