By Ned - 29/08/2009 23:36 - United States

Today, I woke up in my bunkbed because I thought I was experiencing my first earthquake ever. I jumped out of bed and found that it was just my roomate masturbating in the bottom bunk. It was 6am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 531
You deserved it 3 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So, did you hop in his bunk afterwards.... And take in the aftershocks?

Apparently it's never too early in the morning to pleasure yourself


How can you mistake an earthquake for some retard masturbating at 6AM?

the_stereotype 0

#16, the masturbating was probably shaking the bed...and i'm assuming that the OP was probably shaken awake...and that usually seems like you're being shaken a lot more. FYL, but most bunk beds i've seen let you separate them back into two twin size beds. i'm guessing that's the best option here

falconxvi 0

uhhh that wuld be funny if all the sperm like shot up and like ******* curved and hit u in face!!

#44 My campus welded my last bunk bed together. not always a guarantee


But if you separated the bads, he would be masturbating right next to you. I think that would be worse.

So, did you hop in his bunk afterwards.... And take in the aftershocks?

I'm sure he split his roomie's San Andreas Fault afterwards ;)

on account of the jizzings going on, its probably a good thing hes not in the bottom bunk =)

Haha wow, Sorry.. but doesn't that just yell "G'morning!" to ya? :P

loserboii 11

lol wat was he doin tht early

MooKee 0

What a great roomie! XD fyl

Damn! hes really good...err i mean damn thats sad

That's hot.. you should have joined in!

Apparently it's never too early in the morning to pleasure yourself

wait there a min, you thought it might an earthquake and you live in Ohio? I lived Ohio for 30 years, only once during that time was there ever an earthquake that you could feal and it was just a vibration.

Agreed, I've been in Ohio for 27 years and never felt an earthquake. The last major one in this state was 190 years ago. I don't know why the OP jumped to the conclusion that the vibration he was feeling was an earthquake in Ohio. Also, bunk bed? Unless you're stationed at Wright-Pat Airforce base or a 6year old who sleeps in a bunk bed?

tyhillman 0

Probably at college, it's not uncommon at all. In fact, my roommate and I bunked our beds last semester to make more room.

the_stereotype 0

I think that was the point...since he'd never experienced an earthquake he thought the little bit of shaking was the start of one, and early in the morning being shaken'll believe almost anything

I'm sorry, an earthquake in Ohio? no way! I've only heard of "little vibrations" and those are our earthquakes. I think we only get tornadoes... anyway. well maybe the OP is from another place (and staying in OH for college) and didn't know.

He may be from Ohio, but going to school somewhere else. That's generally how it works.

jess_00 0

He's probably form Ohio but going to school somewhere else. If it's two guys living in one room sharing bunk beds and he considers this an FML and not awesome I'm assuming they're in college.

wow, life as you is hard. I wish my biggest problem was someone masterbating.

You gonna cry about ur life some more?