I'm horny, horny horny horny…

By Anonymous - 07/11/2020 11:01

Today, my husband chose to masturbate. I'm not getting laid for the forth night in a row, because initiating sex is too hard for him. Just once, I want to not have to initiate or flat out beg for it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 475
You deserved it 284

Same thing different taste

Top comments

coius 23

Im not going to assume its the same position as mine (back injury) but have you tried asking him why he chooses to ********** vs traditional intercourse? Or has there been any major life changes (new job, kid, stressor, etc..)? I imagine if he’s stressed, and as hard as it is to hear it, he may not have much energy at the end of the day. Keep in mind “performance problems” including depression, stress, possibly any criticisms, or any major number of other factors can make him seek self-gratification. I can’t speak for him, but maybe trying something different or new, possibly maybe trying to plan a non-typical romantic night beforehand can help. But too many other factors with limited info on your life’s going-on’s could be at play. I’d say, rather than complain, or ignoring it, address it head on. Finding a solution is good for both of you is a plus. And maybe you will learn something new about each other you never knew before. Maybe try a new co-hobby? Besides, if you keep the relationship in neutral, you’ll never progress if either one doesn’t make an effort if one expects the other to shift into drive.

bobsanction 18

Now you know how literally billions of men feel.


Warp1978 15

Time to find a friend with benifits or marriage counselling

get marriage counseling. you deserve your fun.

coius 23

Im not going to assume its the same position as mine (back injury) but have you tried asking him why he chooses to ********** vs traditional intercourse? Or has there been any major life changes (new job, kid, stressor, etc..)? I imagine if he’s stressed, and as hard as it is to hear it, he may not have much energy at the end of the day. Keep in mind “performance problems” including depression, stress, possibly any criticisms, or any major number of other factors can make him seek self-gratification. I can’t speak for him, but maybe trying something different or new, possibly maybe trying to plan a non-typical romantic night beforehand can help. But too many other factors with limited info on your life’s going-on’s could be at play. I’d say, rather than complain, or ignoring it, address it head on. Finding a solution is good for both of you is a plus. And maybe you will learn something new about each other you never knew before. Maybe try a new co-hobby? Besides, if you keep the relationship in neutral, you’ll never progress if either one doesn’t make an effort if one expects the other to shift into drive.

Tell him how his behaviour and lack of initiating has been affecting you. If he doesn't change, tell him you want marriage counselling and for him to get a check up with a doctor, or he can get out.


He doesn't have to initiate sex if he doesn't want to, and you don't have to beg for it, but you have to initiate it sometimes. The guy doesn't have to initiate all the time, and if it's a problem for him to initiate, talk it out, maybe it's you who is the problem, maybe he's tired and doesn't want to right now, you don't need sex every night, it's nice to do it but you can wait four nights, it's not that big of a deal, guys long for sex each night so for you it's a luxury to have it.

bobsanction 18

Now you know how literally billions of men feel.

Wow, big ego huh. Why don't you initiate? That would be a change for once. Maybe from the ten initiatives he took nine were turned down because of your headache...Just tell him you want sex, he will probably love to hear that and will put some extra effort in finding your g-spot.

short advice, initiate sex. Short possible reasons (you are not gonna like these) : he is fed up about something, you are no good at sex or he is got something very privately going on.