By btswc - 21/05/2011 07:18 - United States

Today, I asked my husband, of only a year, why we don't have sex anymore. He said it's because he masturbates. When I asked how often he did it, he replied "Every day that we don't have sex..." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 120
You deserved it 9 704

Same thing different taste

Top comments

denvan 0

He must have one strong hand shake

WallyTheWombat 0

So I'm not too sure how this is played out. If he masturbates every day that they don't have sex... is it that they don't have sex cause he masturbated? or that he masturbated because op won't have sex with him? If 1: 1) Try to get to him first. if 2: 2) Quit complaining and sleep with your husband!


Doomire 0

you need to blow him when he is reading the newspaper before work

VinegarStrokes 0

Your husband is a stupid piece of shit? You're only a year into the marriage and he prefers jerking himself off to having sex with you? And he does it daily? What a worthless asshole.

VinegarStrokes 0

My bad, the first sentence was meant to be a statement and not a question

DudeImBetter 0

unless he has vaginas for hands he's weird..... well actually he'd be weird either way. you married a weird o op.

this guys a piece of shit for not wanting to have sex with his wife. Either that or his wife's ****** is scary.

Furley 4

Did you ever stop to think that it may be her fault for not offering you stupid douche? You are a retard if you think men prefer to jerk off rather than having pussy.

WoAhAnNa123 0

hes probably done it more than 365 days in a row...

yay! another chance to say this! if the husband had spent every day of the last year trying to get his wife to have sex with him we probably would be reading an fml along the lines of "Today my ass hole husband wants nothing but sex from me. he tries to get me to have sex multiple times a day and it's all he thinks about. can't he use his hand once in a while? fml"

#12 is right if u blew him and u were actually good at it, u wouldnt be posting this fml op

15- retard.. is better masturbating than cheating on her if cant get none from his wife

You ever think that maybe he's jerking off because he can't get it from his wife? Maybe after a year of being blown off so much he just started jacking off if he didn't get sex. Since she wasn't interested enough to give him sex, he would take care of it himself. It's not his responsibility to initiate sex. If they haven't had sex in a while, then she's going to be just as responsible for it's lack as he is if not more so. He apparently still wants sex but doesn't get it, Apparently the lack of sex has been enough to get him to act on it even if she won't

If you aren't going to accommodate for him anymore, at least buy some knee pads and get to the floor!

if u didn't notice , OPs husband has a hand that has fallen madly in love with his penis . I don't think the hand would love to share :)

I do not understand why he is only able to climax once a day.. Can he not jack it and then have sex later?

it takes him a full day to finish. no time for sex.

denvan 0

He must have one strong hand shake

Hm, if the guy prefers his hand then I think something must have changed... I'm not saying it's OP... But yeah, it probably is.

I agree. Something must have seriously changed if he's not trying to have sex with his wife so quickly. OP, how much weight have you gained since the wedding?

lmao!!! enough that no One wants to do u

at least now you know where all the lotion has been going...

WallyTheWombat 0

So I'm not too sure how this is played out. If he masturbates every day that they don't have sex... is it that they don't have sex cause he masturbated? or that he masturbated because op won't have sex with him? If 1: 1) Try to get to him first. if 2: 2) Quit complaining and sleep with your husband!

Agree. Why does he jerk off unless you're not there for him?

TimeHealsWounds 0

I so agree!! As ladies we should NOT be selfish with the "pink" She is married and sharing is caring!

Riddles66 0

Should do something sexy. get him in the mood!

Just try and get into his pants before his hand does.

lover_gal 0

haha,wow your marriage either sucks or he just loves sex.