Can't be arsed, to be honest

By whatamidoingwrong - 22/10/2022 16:00

Today, my boyfriend told me that he’s no longer interested in sex with me, as he just can't be bothered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 085
You deserved it 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe his libido levels are gone. Try a combination of spicing things up, exercising together and communication. If that fails, time to see other people.


Maybe his libido levels are gone. Try a combination of spicing things up, exercising together and communication. If that fails, time to see other people.

foreplay starts the moment you wake up, remember to flirt and keep the spark alive. you want him burning before he takes off his clothes

Ask him why he can't be bothered. Does he still want to or no longer interested? If sex is important to you in a relationship, try to work on it with him; if he really isn't interested anymore, dump him.

Welcome to the Friend Zone. You can stay as long as you like or take one of the two exits.