Baseless assumptions

By afafakfhsg - 19/02/2011 00:19 - United States

Today, I was in bed, about to fall asleep, when I remembered something funny. While trying not to laugh, I started grunting and biting my lip, when suddenly my brother walked by my door. He refuses to believe that I wasn't masturbating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 380
You deserved it 12 094

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Peasanthunter_fml 0

Trying to use fml to help in your cover story is a horrible plan.

rebekahmarie 0

...So lying in your bed laughing automatically means you're masturbating?


So what? There's nothing wrong with masturbating.

There isn't, but having your brother march in and 'accusing' you of masturbating when you're not (or even when you are).. Well, I sure wouldn't like that, if only because it's none of his goddamn business.

Masturbating is just fine, but it's more of a private thing, don't you think?

FYLDeep 25

Whoa whoa, just who's marching into a bedroom here. Somebody's making this sound more awkward than it is.

Exactly - OK, it's a little embarrassing, but ultimately, what do you care if he thinks you were masturbating? If he keeps on about it, print out his internet history and pin it to the fridge.

FYLDeep 25

If someone did that to me, they'd find out that I go to FML way too much.

InnocentLies 0

Wow use your lock girl. Go buy one if you don't have one for your room just incase you do decide to **********. :p

And it matters because...? How is that any of your brothers business in the first place?

Its a bit strange for a bro to think about his sister masturbating. lock yo door at night.

atomicJ 0

Your picture is so SICK!!! Can I Haz? haha

hey not all Americans are like that :/ don't paint a picture with one brush.

iiiiiiiirediiiii 0

I can't believe you would do that in front of your brother... You must be from canada

and u must be a red neck american who gets a kick outta the whole incest thing, come on, u must think canadiens live in igloos too. god your country is moronic. canadiens are taught about pretty much every country yet you ppl are obsessed with your own, no wonder everyone is trying to bomb your stupid asses.

woah! no! hold up 36! no need to rip on Canada, you don't see anyone ripping on your fat American ass. the reason I'm ripping on you? kicks. not too much fun to be stereotyped is it. get out of the stone age jackass.

lemoncows 2

I'm from buffalo new York. I consider myself an honorary Canadian lol.

Ahh 47 is so right, and Canadians understand British English too, so it's all good!

well, with a name like "afafakfhsg," it's not surprising! :p |the kid|

Question is, why were you trying not to laugjh? I think he caught you out, OP.