Awkward silence

By Boothater - 03/04/2009 05:10 - United States

Today, the director of the play I'm in decided to show us an example of the type of shoes we would be wearing in the show. She brings in a pair of hideous black combat boots, and I remark how ugly they are. They're her own favorite boots. I had to carpool with her after rehearsal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 551
You deserved it 60 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude, black boots in general = awesome. and I agree with #1, you don't insult what the director brings in, often enough they'll like it or it is theirs.

Why would you remark negatively on something that could potentially become your costume?! If you have something negative to say about something you can't change, don't comment because it won't do you any good. Or you could have at least said it more subtly... And agree with #3, black boots are pretty awesome. Combats in particular.


MiGman 5

hey real combat boots are cool so don't insult them op

G_thelegend 0

combat boots rule! dont hate on them

Think before you speak but to be honest I don't understand why she took it offesively Combat boots are sick tho. :D

Snooopy_fml 5

hey, dont hate on the combats :)

there are too many FMLs about people getting embarrassed after saying something rude/mean/dumb. Simple solution: thing before you speak!

Oops...can't edit... I meant THINK before you speak. Oh, and YDI for mixing your tenses. Past or present, not both. Kthnxbai.