By lalanon - 03/04/2009 05:16 - Australia

Today, my friends were being rude to me, so I decided to be nice to a boy that didn't have many friends. While I was talking to him he popped a pimple on his face and tasted it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 186 957
You deserved it 33 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That is what you get from being nice :p Did you taste it ?? I guess you now know why he doesn't have that many friends



That is what you get from being nice :p Did you taste it ?? I guess you now know why he doesn't have that many friends

oh no no no no....horrible mental image in my head. Ugh.

Well at least he was trying to be nfice and offer you some......

what the hell? did you maybe.. say something about it? like.. tell him normal people dont do that? haha at least he was being friendly?

paradiso24 0

i didnt think there was anything grosser than watching someone pick their nose and eat it... this proved me wrong. nasty.

aww poor boy, hope you told him people dont usually do that cause its gross :P thats probably one of the reasons he has few friends...because noone is honest enough to tell him XD

... Ewwwww... That gave me the shivers for real. Isn't that potentially unhealthy?