By zagzag - 05/11/2011 08:38 - Italy

Today, I’m in Rome for Halloween. I went out with few friends and spent the night with a man. The sex would have been really great if he hadn’t said, “God bless France!” every five seconds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 592
You deserved it 88

Top comments

Halloween today? And then it is funny thqt FML got rejected...

Wizardo 33

*Whispers* Omelette Du Fromage...


Halloween today? And then it is funny thqt FML got rejected...

Sometimes they take FLM from other languages, translate them into English and post them. And sometimes it's obvious.

Wizardo 33

*Whispers* Omelette Du Fromage...

Justinspires 5

This is creepy on so many levels..